Midterms are a required part of college. But anxiety and stress are optional.
The way you handle busyness in college is an indicator of how you will handle your future marriage, job, family, and Christian community. Instead of choosing to serve stress and anxiety I challenge you to serve the Lord–who is not a problem solving genie but the One who knows the number of hairs on your head, not to mention the quadratic formula.
Tuesday night is United Prayer. Everything begins with prayer. Tomorrow night 9pm at Kimchi Castle (1258 W Arthur)
Wednesday is Agape in Damen MPR at 730! Come on! We are back together to testify, worship, dance, and read scripture. Does anyone want to get Popeye’s biscuits afterward?
Ecclesia is not meeting because there is something called Spring Break happening…..hmmmm….what is the definition of “spring?”