Today I met a rock that was hiding under a rock for the past few months. The rock asked me if I knew about Praise Night and Baptisms. I was like, “Whoa! Even a rock hiding underneath a rock knows what is going down!”
In case you were hiding under that rock and it failed share:
AGAPE PRAISE NIGHT is this Wednesday at 7:00pm in Damen MPR. Get there early at 7:00pm for pizza dinner!
ECCLESIA BAPTISMS are this Sunday at 10:30am in Crown Center Lobby. Repeat: 10:30am. Several of our sister chuches and alumni will be joining us in worship. A potluck is to follow so please bring a dish to pass.
If you have anymore questions than trek up to Damen 223 where you can most likely find Agape & Ecclesia peeps.